Investigating the world of crypto mixers.

Whether rightly or wrongly, crypto mixers have become synonymous with money laundering. What can crypto firms do to protect themselves, their customers, and the crypto community from the growing threat of fraud?

The term “cryptocurrency tumbler” (also known as crypto mixer) has seen a 5000% increase in Google searches over the past five years. If search queries are anything to go by, it’s easy to see why: there appears to be confusion over how they work, if they are truly private, and whether they’re even legal. 

Interest in crypto mixers has also appeared to have spread from industry insiders to the wider crypto community, including those looking for ways to hide their blockchain transactions.

No longer a niche subsection of an obscure industry, crypto tumblers pose a legitimate concern for the crypto community, because they are now, rightly or wrongly, heavily associated with money laundering.  

We investigate the dangers associated with crypto tumblers and how crypto firms can reduce the risks of money laundering, meet regulatory challenges, and prevent fraud.

What are the threats associated with crypto mixers?

Far from how they’re currently perceived, crypto tumblers were originally created to offer heightened privacy for legitimate blockchain transactions. 

They work by gathering coins from different users, tumbling them all together, and then spitting them out. The recipient receives the same amount of bitcoins they put in, but not the original coins they originally held. The benefit for users is that mixing obscures these transactions, providing anonymity on the blockchain. Naturally, this privacy tool is also exploited by money launderers.

Jason Tucker-Feltham, Global Head of Crypto & Fintech at IDnow.

There are two main types of crypto mixers:

  1. Centralized mixers – rely on a third party to complete the mixing
  2. Decentralized mixers – rely on protocols like smart contracts  

Without coin mixing, the transparent nature of the blockchain makes it hard for firms to make truly secure investments, or for high-profile individuals to keep their wealth private. However, with coin mixing, users can operate in a completely confidential nature. 

These features are also the main reasons why crypto mixers have become synonymous with money laundering. Several fraud cases and cyberattacks over the past few years have shown the part that tumbling plays, and the very real threat it poses to the integrity of a cryptocurrency exchange.

The 3 main problems with crypto mixers.

The most dangerous threats associated with crypto mixers include money laundering, regulatory risks and fraud.

Money laundering.

The largest risk associated with crypto mixers is money laundering, and it’s only growing bigger. In fact, data shows that between 2021 and 2022, crypto laundering grew by approximately 70%. There are typically two ways that crypto mixers are used to launder money. The first is through “cleaning” coins gained from illegitimate sources, such as pharming or ransomware attacks. The second is by funding criminal activity with clean coins, as the mixer can obscure and anonymise the transaction end point.

The dangers to crypto firms are clear.

“Firms must be able to verify whether their users and coins have been involved in suspicious transactions or sanctioned mixers. Without this information, exchanges could unknowingly be funding criminal activity, such as online cyberattacks or real-world terrorist financing,” said Jason.  

ChipMixer, a type of crypto mixer that exchanged old coins for new coins, was responsible for laundering over $850 million, which could be directly linked to illicit activities.  International authorities from Europe and the US were concerned over the mixer for flouting regulations and facilitating money laundering. The founder of the platform even wrote, “Money laundering’ is a crime made-up by governments that spy on their citizens”. ChipMixer was officially seized and stopped trading in March 2023.

Regulatory risks.

One of the major problems of crypto mixers is the blurred lines in which the crypto community operates – exasperated by the relatively infant stage of crypto regulation compared to traditional financial services. 

While firms await rules outlined in MiCA and the UK’s proposed crypto regulatory regime to come into force (expected in 2024), crypto firms that wish to operate in the UK, for example, must register with the Financial Conduct Authority, and therefore comply with Anti-Money Laundering Directives that capture rules to combat money laundering and terrorist financing. Only firms with appropriate Know Your Customer (KYC) processes, source of funds checks, and proof of funds checks, can be registered to ensure no illicit money is coming through the system. 

Forward-thinking risk managers should ensure their organization meets compliance measures if it is serious about preventing money laundering. 

This is particularly important for attracting high-value customers as exchanges that can demonstrate they follow regulatory guidelines, and are able to plug operational vulnerabilities, provide reassurance to third parties and customers.  

Compliance with regulations not only protects firms from sanctions, but can also attract new customers if they feel satisfied that due diligence has been carried out. 

In August 2022, the Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) sanctioned TornadoCash, a popular coin mixer.  

The crime? Facilitating suspicious transactions, involving stolen funds.  

But the real kicker is that some TornadoCash transactions could be traced and linked to groups in North Korea, a country with international sanctions including: 

  • Freezing of financial assets
  • Travel bans
  • Trading restrictions

As such, users of this mixer put TornadoCash in direct breach of global regulations, and OFAC deemed it the responsibility of the service provider to maintain compliance.  

Although industry leaders weren’t in agreement (remember that Coinbase lawsuit?) regulators have made it clear that persecuting the service providers, rather than the individuals, is preferential. Plus, due to the incredibly private nature of mixers, it’s virtually impossible to go after the users themselves. Still, someone must be held accountable.


The opaque nature of crypto tumblers facilitate a perfectly murky breeding ground for fraudsters to operate. And as the industry continues to grow at breakneck speed, fraudsters are evolving at a similar rate. 

Crypto mixers lack the common identity verification tools that financial institutions are required to perform, including: 

  • Know Your Customer checks
  • Ultimate Beneficial Ownership checks
  • Real-time authentication for transactions 

In fact, many crypto mixers operate without any kind of user monitoring, which means even users who rely on the services for legitimate reasons could be subject to cyberattacks, as there’s no authentication for the user when they make a transaction.  

Imagine a crypto mixer user receives a phishing email and clicks on a malicious link. It’s likely they will be redirected to a fake website and be asked to input their credentials. In a matter of seconds, the fraudster has successfully captured the user’s log-in information. From there, all it takes is for the fraudster to re-type the credentials they’ve just gathered into the real site, launder the user’s coins and disappear with the funds. 

Although 60% of business leaders consider fraud awareness training the best approach for minimizing fraud, it should be paired with other tools in order to create a robust shield. Crypto fraud prevention requires both initial customer identity verification, and ongoing transaction monitoring. The doubled-down effort approach not only ensures that the account holder is who they claim to be, but that if any bad actors get into the account during the meantime, they will be blocked from making transactions.

How to manage risks in crypto?

Risk assessments should be the first point of call for any business operating in a highly-regulated industry. To help combat the threat of money laundering, crypto firms can implement:

Wallet screening tools.

Wallet screening tools are an integral part of maintaining wallet hygiene. They allow exchanges to identify the owners of wallets, as well as the source and destination of funds.  

However, where crypto mixers are involved, transactions can be obscured and it’s harder to trace the entire transaction history.  

Therefore, it’s important to ensure that any wallet screening tool can identify tainted coins, and that this data is used to inform on the risk factors of wallet owners. By leveraging enhanced wallet screening, exchanges can benefit from full transparency over customer wallets, and reduce their risk of enabling money laundering.

KYC and identity checks.

By implementing a robust KYC and identity verification process for your crypto firm, you can rest assured that you know who your customers are, while complying with regulations like AML, MiCA and PVID.   

Some KYC and identity verification platforms, however, are simply not fit for purpose. 

The wrong KYC platform can really affect user experience and therefore conversion rates

Jason Tucker-Feltham, Global Head of Crypto & Fintech at IDnow.

When crypto mixers are involved, digital verification becomes more difficult. This is why IDnow’s identity verification services combine video verification with external database checks, risk factor analysis and behavioral analysis. With global ID specialists on-hand for clarification, our clients benefit from AI models and real human verification, added Jason.

Putting the KYC into crypto.

KYC processes are an integral part in ensuring crypto exchanges can protect themselves and their customers from fraud and money laundering, even amid an evolving crypto regulatory landscape. Having these controls in place will protect investors from financial losses and add stability to a notoriously volatile market.  

IDnow’s highly configurable identity verification solutions work across multiple regulations, industries and use cases, including crypto. Whether automated or expert-assisted, our online identity-proofing methods have been optimized to meet the strictest security standards and regulatory requirements without compromising on customer conversion or consumer experience.


In the mix: Investigating the murky world of crypto mixers. 1

Jody Houton
Senior Content Manager at IDnow
Connect with Jody on LinkedIn

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Situs Slot Populer 2023 Yang Lagi Populer



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Artikel ini akan membahas situs slot populer tahun 2023 yang patut dicoba oleh para pencinta judi daring. Anda akan menemukan tips, trik, dan strategi untuk meningkatkan peluang meraih kemenangan besar di mesin slot. Kami juga akan menjawab pertanyaan umum dalam bagian FAQ.

Situs Slot Populer 2023 Yang Lagi Populer
Situs Slot Populer 2023 Yang Lagi Populer

Selamat datang di dunia perjudian daring di tahun 2023! Era digital telah membuka pintu bagi penggemar judi untuk merasakan sensasi permainan slot tanpa harus pergi ke kasino fisik. Dalam artikel ini, kami akan memandu Anda melalui situs-situs slot populer tahun 2023 yang menawarkan peluang besar untuk meraih hadiah jackpot menggiurkan. Kami juga akan berbagi tips dan trik agar Anda bisa meningkatkan peluang kemenangan Anda di mesin slot yang Anda pilih.

Mengapa Memilih Situs Slot Populer 2023?

Sebelum kita masuk ke dalam strategi dan trik, mari kita pahami mengapa situs slot populer di tahun 2023 menjadi pilihan yang bijak:

1. Keamanan Terjamin

Situs slot populer tahun 2023 telah menjalani uji ketat untuk memastikan keamanan data pribadi Anda. Dengan bermain di situs terpercaya, Anda dapat bermain dengan tenang tanpa khawatir tentang kerahasiaan informasi Anda.

2. Koleksi Permainan Luar Biasa

Situs-situs ini menawarkan beragam permainan slot dengan kualitas grafis yang memukau. Anda akan menemukan tema-tema menarik dan fitur-fitur bonus yang dapat meningkatkan pengalaman bermain Anda.

3. Bonus dan Promosi Menguntungkan

Situs slot populer sering menawarkan berbagai bonus dan promosi yang menggiurkan. Ini dapat menjadi peluang emas untuk meningkatkan modal Anda dan meraih kemenangan besar.

Strategi dan Tips untuk Meraih Kemenangan Besar

Sekarang, mari kita jelajahi beberapa strategi dan tips yang dapat membantu Anda meraih kemenangan besar saat bermain slot online:

1. Pilih Slot dengan RTP Tinggi

RTP atau Tingkat Pengembalian adalah faktor penting dalam memilih mesin slot. Pilih mesin dengan RTP yang lebih tinggi, karena ini mengindikasikan peluang lebih besar untuk meraih kemenangan.

2. Kelola Bankroll Anda Dengan Bijak

Manajemen bankroll yang baik adalah kunci sukses dalam bermain slot online. Tentukan batasan berapa banyak uang yang Anda bersedia untuk diinvestasikan dalam permainan dan patuhi batasan tersebut. Hindari mengambil risiko dengan uang yang Anda tidak mampu kehilangan.

3. Pelajari Permainan Slot

Setiap mesin slot memiliki karakteristik dan fitur unik. Sebelum Anda mulai bermain, luangkan waktu untuk memahami aturan permainan, kombinasi simbol yang menguntungkan, dan fitur-fitur bonus. Semakin Anda memahami permainan, semakin besar peluang Anda untuk meraih kemenangan.

4. Manfaatkan Bonus dan Promosi

Situs-situs slot seringkali menawarkan berbagai jenis bonus, seperti bonus selamat datang, putaran gratis, atau program loyalitas. Manfaatkan bonus ini untuk meningkatkan peluang Anda meraih kemenangan besar. Pastikan untuk membaca syarat dan ketentuan bonus dengan cermat sebelum mengklaimnya.

5. Bermain Dengan Sabar

Saat bermain slot, penting untuk tetap tenang dan sabar. Jangan terburu-buru dan hindari godaan untuk meningkatkan taruhan secara drastis setelah mengalami kerugian.

FAQ: Pertanyaan Umum tentang Slot Online

Q: Kapan Waktu Terbaik untuk Bermain Slot Kakek Zeus? A: Slot Kakek Zeus adalah permainan yang mengandalkan keberuntungan semata. Tidak ada waktu yang pasti untuk meraih kemenangan besar, setiap putaran adalah peluang baru.

Q: Bagaimana Cara Meningkatkan Keberuntungan Saat Bermain Slot? A: Keberuntungan dalam bermain slot tidak bisa dijamin, namun bermain dengan bijak, memahami permainan, dan menjaga sikap positif dapat membantu Anda meraih kemenangan lebih sering.

Q: Apa Arti RTP pada Slot? A: RTP atau Tingkat Pengembalian adalah persentase uang yang akan dikembalikan kepada pemain dari total taruhan dalam jangka waktu tertentu. Mesin dengan RTP yang tinggi memiliki peluang lebih besar untuk memberikan kemenangan kepada pemain.

Q: Kapan Waktu Terbaik untuk Bermain Slot Olympus? A: Slot Olympus adalah permainan acak, sehingga tidak ada waktu yang pasti untuk meraih kemenangan besar. Hasilnya selalu ditentukan secara acak, jadi setiap saat bisa menjadi kesempatan untuk mencoba keberuntungan Anda.


Bermain di situs slot populer tahun 2023 dapat memberikan pengalaman yang mengasyikkan dan menguntungkan jika Anda mengikuti strategi yang tepat. Pilih situs yang terpercaya, kelola bankroll dengan bijak, manfaatkan bonus, dan bermain dengan kesabaran. Selamat bermain, dan semoga artikel ini membantu Anda meraih kemenangan besar dalam dunia slot online!



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Upswing Coach Plays Unbelievable $379,789 Pot (Analysis)

Upswing Lab coach David “MissOracle” Yan has been playing in some massive games this year.

He had a big score at a recent Triton high roller series, winning a $200,000 buy-in tournament for $3,052,002.

david yan triton win

He has carried this success into the online cash arena, battling in some of the biggest online pots of the year.

In this article, I am going to show you a $200/$400/$800 with a $200 ante pot that he played on GGPoker vs unknown player EEE.

Let’s get into it!

Preflop Action

David starts the hand with a $189,894 stack and his opponent covers.

David open-raises to $1,800 from the Cutoff with . EEE calls from the Small Blind with . The Straddle calls as well with an unknown hand.

Preflop Analysis

This three blind plus ante structure entices the players to adopt a very loose preflop strategy. The extra money in the pot improves everyone’s pot odds, enticing the players to throw a lot of money into the pot.

Given all the dead money, David should be open-raising with the top 35-40% of hands from the Cutoff. In a “normal” game with just two blinds and no antes, the optimal Cutoff raising range is more like 25-30% of hands. That’s quite a big difference!

Pocket Jacks are a no-brainer open-raise in any format. His sizing is good too. Anything between $1,600 and $2,400 (3x to 4x the straddle) would work fine, giving the rest of the players a more difficult time defending their blinds.

Given this open-raise size, the Small Blind should do a lot of calling and some 3-betting. It’s hard to say exactly how wide he should defend here given that there are 2 players left to act in position, but calling and 3-betting with around the top 20-25% of hands seems like a good strategy.

EEE’s defense from the Small Blind with is likely good given the pot odds that he’s being laid. In a 2 blind game, this would be too loose of a call from the Small Blind.

The Straddle should defend with an enormous amount of hands given that he is closing the action and has by far the best pot odds of all the players. The details of this range, however, won’t be relevant in this hand since he will be folding on the next street.

Flop Action

The flop comes  . The pot is $7,000.

EEE checks with . The Straddle checks.

David bets $1,750 with .

EEE check-raises to $7,000. Straddle folds.

David 3-bets to $15,800.

EEE- 4-bets to $41,200. David calls.

Flop Analysis

What an unbelievable street!

Both EEE and the player in the Straddle should be checking their entire range as they will be at a large disadvantage in this type of scenario (wide range, out-of-position, multiway, and a high stack-to-pot ratio).

David should be firing a small c-bet at a high frequency on this type of flop and his top set with Jacks fits into this. He is in position vs two players that will often miss this flop.

EEE’s decision to check-raise here is very ambitious. He should definitely check-raise sometimes in this situation, just not with this hand.

For value, EEE should check-raise the bottom two flopped sets. But when choosing bluffs, King-Ten offsuit doesn’t make any sense. He only has 2 backdoor straight draws and one overcard. There are much better hands to choose from such as:

Back to David now who, in theory, shouldn’t 3-bet with any hands (even top set). But the theoretical correct strategy assumes the opponent is check-raising with a perfectly balanced and polarized range.

If David thinks his opponent is going to play back against a 3-bet too aggressively or too passively, then he becomes incentivized to 3-bet.

What David was probably thinking was this: We are playing very deep (north of 200 straddles each), I has the nuts, and my opponent is likely a weaker player. It would probably be higher expected value (EV) for him to build the pot as soon as possible in order to stack Pocket Threes and Pocket Twos.

If he doesn’t start 3-betting on the flop, then it becomes significantly harder to stack those hands as there are many runouts that can kill EEE’s enthusiasm to stack off (such as straight completing cards or even overcards where David can credibly represent stronger sets).

EEE’s 4-bet is simply ludicrous. He has a paltry <5% equity against the range that would continue against his 4-bet. Furthermore, it is extremely likely that David is 3-betting with an unbalanced range towards value hands. The 4-bet is a big punt at this point.

David decides that slow-playing against the 4-bet is best since he’ll easily be able to get stacks in by the river with the pot already this bloated. I agree.

Turn Action

The turn comes the , making the board . The pot is $89,400.

EEE bets $57,600 with King-high. David calls.

Turn Analysis

A super dry turn, as many of them would be.

EEE picks up a gutshot straight draw with his KT-offsuit. But this still doesn’t give him enough backup equity to profitably fire a barrel. If we take into consideration that David is highly likely to have an extremely strong range, then this play is burning money.

David has no incentive to raise here with the nuts. There aren’t enough draws that can complete on the river to entice him to get it in now. Slow-playing, which gives his opponent the opportunity to continue bluffing, is best.

River Action

The river is the , making the final board  . The pot is $204,600.

EEE goes all-in for $87,600. David calls and wins the $379,789 pot.

River Analysis

The river is another brick that doesn’t help EEE’s range. None of his draws complete except for maybe Ace-Four, though he may give up with that on the turn.

This means that it is okay for him, even in theory, to give up with a lot of his bluffs. His value range can’t possibly sustain a lot of shenanigans. 

When he shoves, he is repping 22 and 33 for value (6 combinations). Given that he is betting around 40% of the pot, he would be balanced if his range contained around 1.5-2 combinations of bluffs total.

(We obtain this number by calculating the pot odds that David is given which is 0.4 / (1 + 0.4 + 0.4) = 0.22. This number means that David is going to breakeven with his bluff-catchers if EEE’s betting range contains 22% bluffs.)

Shoving here, in practice, seems quite atricious since David’s range will likely be nutted. It’s unlikely that David plays anything other than a set this way.

Obviously David has a snap-call at this point, holding the effective nuts. By the time the bet is placed, he’s probably already looking at what investments he is going to make with this extra ~$190,000.

What do you think of the way EEE played this one? What about David?

Let me know in the comments below.

I gotta give credit where credit is due. Mr. EEE has some real heart to attempt a bluff like this. This amount of money is extreme and it takes a lot of courage and a special human being to put it all on the line like that. But that’s how legends are made!

That’s all for this breakdown, I hope you enjoyed it and that you learned something new from it. What do you think about EEE’s bluff? Was it good, was it bad? I’d like to hear your opinion in the comment section down below!

Till’ next time, good luck, grinders!

If you want to learn from THE MAN David Yan, get into the Upswing Lab and check out his premium content for tournaments and cash games

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5 Best Old-School Platformers Like Cavern of Dreams

Within Old-School Platformers like Cavern of Dreams and games like it, fun yet challenging platforming is at the core of the gameplay. These games often come with a distinctly and decidedly retro-inspired visual style that also makes them stand out. This is great, as it gives players who harken back to a simpler time in gaming modern examples of more classic game design philosophies. In addition to this, games like this can introduce this genre to a new generation. That said, here are the 5 Best Old-School Platformers Like Cavern of Dreams.

5. Time Loader

We are kicking off today’s list of the best Old-School Platformers like Cavern of Dreams, with Time Loader. For players who are unaware, Time Loader is a more story-driven experience compared to many of the other platforming titles on our list today. The game does a fantastic job of utilizing an excellent physics system for its puzzles. Players will have to not only learn how to get around and platform their way through the game but also use their wits to solve fantastic puzzles. That said, the game gives players plenty of tools in their toolbox to tinker with.

This is great, as it allows players to approach the game’s many challenges in a number of unique ways. Added to this, the game’s narrative itself serves as a significant motivating factor for the player to press on in the game. This is due to not only the phenomenal writing and handling of emotional story beats throughout the game. But also due to the way the story is presented to the player through the gameplay. In short, Time Loader is one of the best Old-School Platformers like Cavern of Dreams.

4. Another World: 20th Anniversary Edition

We are following up on our last phenomenal entry with a title that has been time-tested and remains fantastic to this day. Another World, in many ways, served as a pioneer for the action-platforming genre. Since the game’s initial debut all the way back in 1991, its presence can be felt throughout the action-platforming genre. Since then, the game has seen a remake, which celebrates the game’s twentieth anniversary. This is not only a testament to the importance and longevity of this title. But it also serves as a fantastic title in its own right.

That said, there have been many improvements in the game. These changes not only reflect modern sensibilities but also stay true to the game’s old-school roots. This is fantastic, as it has the potential to introduce a new generation to the importance of Another World. In the game, players will have to use their platforming skills in order to evade aliens and other enemies in the game. While simplistic, this title shines in its simplicity. It is for these reasons that we consider it to be one of the best Old-School Platformers like Cavern of Dreams.

3. Shovel Knight: Treasure Trove

We are switching things up quite a bit with our next entry. Here, we have Shovel Knight: Treasure Trove, which, as the name would imply, offers players a treasure trove of content to enjoy. While it might not be an Old-School platformer in the sense of when it was released, this title no doubt has that old-school platformer DNA within it. Featuring the complete collection of Shovel Knight titles, this version of the game features all five games from the incredible series. This makes it one of the most impressive entries on today’s list from a sheer content standpoint, which is excellent.

For players looking for the most incredible value, this is undoubtedly a title to keep your eye on. Regarding the game’s core tenets and aspects, there is much to love here. The gameplay is challenging yet rewarding in a way that feels satisfying. Additionally, the game features a challenge mode for players who wish to push the envelope. Additionally, the cooperative mode in this title is loads of fun with friends. So, if you are looking for one of the best Old-School Platformers like Cavern of Dreams, give Shovel Knight: Treasure Trove a try.

2. Kaze and the Wild Masks

We are staying somewhat in the same vein for our next entry. Here, we have Kaze and the Wild Masks. For players looking for a pure Old-School platformer, this title certainly has you covered. Featuring a fast-paced electronic soundtrack, this title invokes many of the same feelings as the older Sonic titles as well as other games of that era. In terms of content, the game offers well over thirty levels. Additional levels can also be unlocked by completing specific tasks in the game. This is great, as it gives players quite a bit to enjoy without being too overwhelming.

Through the power of the Wild Masks, players will have a plethora of abilities at their disposal as well. This not only serves to vary the gameplay but offers another layer on top of its stellar foundation as well. On top of all of this, the game also has a wonderful story that can be enjoyed by all ages and generations, old and new. So, if you are someone who is looking for an Old-School platformer to pick up, definitely check out Kaze and the Wild Masks. Simply put,  it is one of the best Old-School Platformers like Cavern of Dreams to date.

1. A Hat in Time

We are wrapping up our list of the best Old-School Platformers like Cavern of Dreams with a great title. A Hat In Time is one of the best and most well-received platformers in recent memory. The level of love and attention to detail that went into this title is undoubtedly apparent. Every aspect of the game harkens back to 3D platformers of the past. All the while bringing with it modern performance and polish. Featuring a well-rounded mission system in which players are able to explore fantastic worlds with a number of goals in mind. A Hat In Time not only rewards the player’s time in the game. But also incentivizes players to enjoy the game’s world a bit longer.

This is partially due to the phenomenal art direction and design for the game, which both are absolutely stunning. Through the game’s Hat system, players are able to collect bold new powers along their journey as well. This makes the simple act of playing A Hat In Time rewarding but on revisits as well as your first outing. There is also a great emphasis on platforming and exploration as well, which is fantastic. All in all, A Hat In Time serves as a benchmark of what Old-School Platformers like Cavern of Dreams can be.

So, what’s your take on our picks for the 5 Best Old-School Platformers Like Cavern of Dreams? What are some of your favorite Old-School Platformers? Let us know over on our socials here or down in the comments below.

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Elle King to Ignite the Island Casino Stage in February

Mark your calendars! Grammy-nominee and CMA award winner Elle King is set to perform at the Island Casino in Harris, Michigan, on February 23 & 24, 2024, promising two nights of high-energy music combined with a crowd-pleasing, electrifying performance. Tickets are $50 and go on sale Thursday, October 12, 2023, at 10:00 a.m. ET

King is an internationally acclaimed singer-songwriter who has received four Grammy nominations and has won various awards from the Country Music Association and the Academy of Country Music. Her 2015 hit “Ex’s & Oh’s,” from the album Love Stuff, propelled her career and launched her into stardom.

Hear King’s Multi-Platinum Hits

The platinum-selling artist known for her chart-topping hits like “Ex’s & Oh’s” and “America’s Sweetheart” brings a fusion of rock, blues and country intertwined with soul. The raspy undertones of her voice, combined with her raw lyrical narratives, make her live performances a hypnotic experience, leaving audiences captivated and constantly yearning for more.

Elle King and Miranda Lambert’s “Drunk (And I Don’t Wanna Go Home)” reached the top of the pop and country charts back in April 2023, making it the first solo female duet to reach No. 1 on country radio since Reba McEntire and Linda Davis’ “Does He Love You” in 1993. 

King’s string of Country-Rock hits over the last half-decade include

Southern Roots with a Global Impact

Elle King is the daughter of actor and comedian Rob Schneider of Saturday Night Live fame and former model London King. She was raised in a southern Ohio town. Her latest album, “Come Get Your Wife“, reflects her upbringing and a yearning to return to her home. King’s roots run deep and honest in the realm of country music.

Visit to hear more, learn about Elle King and find other events. Get your tickets to one of the hottest upcoming shows of 2024!

Show Details

Date: February 23 & 24, 2024

Location: Island Showroom

Ticket Price: $50

Purchase tickets by phone at 1-877-ISL-SHOW or buy them online.

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CEP Main Shatters Records as PokerStars EPT Barcelona Kicks Off


With a groundbreaking turnout of nearly 2000 contenders, the CEP Main Event has shattered records and ignited excitement.

The conclusion of the PokerStars-sponsored Campeonato España de Poker (CEP) tour in Barcelona marked a significant milestone, with the CEP Main Event drawing an astounding crowd of nearly 2000 entries. This unprecedented turnout has set the stage for the upcoming prestigious European Poker Tour (EPT) Barcelona, while tax-related concerns loom and expectations of record-breaking participation abound.

The CEP Main Event, which featured a €550 buy-in, attracted a record-breaking 1960 players. This accomplishment solidified the Main Event’s position as the largest in CEP history, surpassing the previous record set four years prior with 1773 registrations. The surge in participation reflects an impressive growth of nearly 50% compared to the previous year’s event.

Held at Casino Barcelona from August 11, the 2023 CEP Barcelona stop experienced strong turnouts, despite uncertainties stemming from recent tax changes in Spain.

The trend of robust participation was evident from the outset of the CEP, with various events reporting exceptional attendance. The opening event, with a €330 entry fee, witnessed 822 entries—almost double the attendance of the previous year’s edition. Similarly, the Mini Main Event, featuring a €200 buy-in, saw 786 participants, marking a significant 30% increase compared to the previous year.

The culmination of this enthusiasm was the Main Event’s remarkable achievement, resulting in a total prize pool of €854,560 across its five Day 1s.

The CEP festival aligns with a broader global trend of increased interest in live poker events. From the World Series of Poker (WSOP) to regional events in Europe and Asia, record-breaking attendance is becoming the norm, underscoring the undeniable demand for live poker experiences.

With the CEP chapter coming to a close, attention now shifts to the highly anticipated European Poker Tour (EPT) Barcelona.

Commencing on August 21, the PokerStars LIVE Estrellas Poker Tour (ESPT) commenced, serving as an integral part of the main EPT festival.

EPT Barcelona, a cornerstone of PokerStars’ European destinations, is renowned for attracting substantial crowds. The city’s rich poker history dates back to 2004, hosting significant stops of the European Poker Tour. Last year, both the ESPT and EPT Main Events set attendance records, with the €5300 EPT Main Event becoming the largest-ever in EPT history, drawing 2294 players.

However, this year’s EPT Barcelona faces a unique challenge due to recent tax changes in Spain. These alterations impose taxes on poker players’ winnings, affecting both local and international participants, irrespective of their professional or recreational status.

While European Union players face a 19% tax rate, non-EU players contend with a higher 24% rate. This change in tax classification has raised concerns and uncertainty among players about the sustainability of EPT Barcelona’s historically impressive turnouts.

Nevertheless, the record-breaking attendance during the CEP festival provides assurance, suggesting another prosperous EPT Barcelona edition on the horizon.

Running from August 21, the EPT Barcelona series features the prestigious €5300 EPT Main Event scheduled from August 27 to September 3. Online satellites on the PokerStars platform have already begun, with buy-ins starting as low as €5.50.



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Live Roulette Glossary | LiveRoulette Blog


1. A Complete Roulette Glossary
2. Live Roulette FAQ

A Complete Roulette Glossary

American Roulette: A variant of roulette that features a double zero (00). The double zero sits next to the single zero on the betting board. This means there are 38 numbers in play and puts the house edge to 5.26%.

Backtrack: The outer section of the roulette wheel where the ball spins.

Biased Numbers: A section of numbers that is said to hit more frequently than is statistically likely. Biased numbers can be caused by an uneven or otherwise faulty wheel. Unless there is a software glitch, you’re unlikely to see biased numbers at an online roulette table.

Biased Wheel: An unevenly worn or faulty roulette wheel. In live roulette games, a biased wheel could cause certain numbers to hit more often than they otherwise would as it’s not spinning in an even, random manner.

Black Bet: An outside bet in live and online roulette. When you bet on black, you’ll win a 1:1 (even money) return on your money if any black number hits.

Bottom Track: The slanted inner rim of the roulette wheel that remains static during a spin. When the ball slows down, it slides from the backtrack and onto the bottom track before falling into a numbered pocket.

Carre: The French term for a corner bet.

Cheval: The French term for a split bet in land-based, online and live roulette.

Colonne: The French term for a column bet in roulette.

Column Bet: Like dozen bets, column bets allow you to cover 12 numbers with a single chip. There are three columns to choose from, and the payout on winning bets is 2:1.

Combination Bet: In general, a combination bet can be made with one or more chips and will cover two or more numbers. An example of a combination bet is a dozen, which covers 12 numbers in one section of the table.

Corner Bet: A single bet that covers four connected numbers. To make a corner bet, you must place a chip in the middle of a square of four numbers. This means you’re selecting all four numbers in the square. The payout for a corner bet in live or online roulette is 8:1.

Dealer: The person in control of a game, also called a croupier. When you play roulette, the dealer will be present and actively control the game. When you play roulette online, the game will be controlled by a random number generator (RNG).

Dozen Bet: A single bet that covers 12 numbers in one section of the table. Dozen bets are split into three sections: 1st (numbers 1-12), 2nd (numbers 13-24) and 3rd (numbers 25-36). Zero isn’t included in a dozen bet. If any number in your dozen hits, the payout is 2:1.

Double Zero: In American Roulette, double zero (00) is the additional number on the wheel.

En Plein: The French term for a straight-up bet in online and live roulette.

En Prison: A rule common in French Roulette, en prison literally means “in prison”. This rule applies to even money bets and allows you to either take back half your stake when zero hits or leave it “imprisoned” for the next spin. You’re choosing to either get a 50% rebate on a losing bet or keep your stake for the next bet.

European Roulette: The most common form of online and live roulette in the majority of casinos. This game is the older cousin of American Roulette. The main difference between the two variants is that European Roulette doesn’t feature the double zero. Because of this, it has one less number in play than its American counterpart. In total, there are 37 numbers in European Roulette, with a maximum payout of 35:1. The house edge is 2.70%.

Even Money: This term refers to a 1:1 payout. In other words, you win the same amount that you staked. For example, if you stake €1 and win, your total return will be your €1 stake back + €1 profit.

Five-Number Bet: This is a single bet that allows you to cover five specific numbers: 00, 0, 1, 2 and 3. If you win with this bet, your return will be 6:1.

High Bet: This is an outside bet in live and online roulette. When you bet on “high”, you’ll cover all numbers between 19-36. If you win, the return is 1:1 (even money).

House Edge: This term refers to the advantage the house (casino) has in any given situation. The house edge in roulette is created by a difference in the odds of any bet winning and the payout you receive. For example, the payout for a straight-up bet is 35:1. However, in European Roulette, there are 37 numbers on the table. This discrepancy (37:1 vs. 35:1) is where the casino gets its advantage. 

Inside Bet: Any bet made within the inner section of the table is known as an inside bet. Inside bets can be straight up or a combination of splits.

La Partage: When you play French roulette online or live, La Partage is a special rule that allows you to receive 50% of your stake back on even money bets. When it applies, if you make an even-money bet and the ball lands on zero, you’ll get half of your money back. This is similar to the En Prison. However, you don’t have the option to let your bet ride on the next spin with La Partage.

Line Bet: Also known as a six-line bet, this option allows you to cover six numbers (two rows of three) with a single wager. To make this bet, you split both rows with a single chip. The chip must be placed at the nearside end of the rows. The payout on this bet is 5:1. 

Marker: In live roulette, a marker, also called a ‘dolly’, is a small implement used to mark the winning number. When the round is over, the dealer will place a marker on the winning number and clear away all losing bets from the roulette table before paying out the winners.

Neighbours: In roulette, neighbours are numbers found next to/near each other on the wheel. These have relevance to certain types of bets, such as Orphelins.

Orphans: A type of bet that allows you to cover the numbers 6, 34 and 17 with a single wager.

Orphelins: A French term that refers to the process of betting on neighbours (numbers that sit near each other on the wheel). By betting on “neighbour” numbers (i.e. orphelins), it allows you to cover groups of numbers with fewer bets.

Outside Bets: Any bet outside of the inner table. Outside bets offer lower returns than inside bets. In roulette, the inner board is any betting option contained without the main, rectangular betting area. The inner board is where the individual numbers sit. 

Pockets: These are the slots where the ball lands on a roulette wheel.

Random Number Generator (RNG): When you play roulette online, the outcome is determined by a computer program known as an RNG. An RNG uses mathematics to generate random results. This allows online casinos to offer games that are as fair as their live counterparts.

Red Bet: An outside bet in live and online roulette. When you bet on red, you’ll win a 1:1 (even money) return on your money if any red number hits.

Sixainne: The French term for a line bet.

Split: A bet that covers two adjacent numbers. The bet is known as a split because you’re literally splitting the chip by placing it on the line between the two numbers. The payout for a winning split bet in roulette is 17:1.

Straight Up: A bet on a single number is known as straight up. The payout on winning straight up bets in roulette is 35:1.

Street: Similar to a line bet, a street bet allows you to cover three numbers in a row with a single bet. To make a street bet, you need to place a chip on the nearside end of a row. The payout for a winning street bet in roulette is 11:1.

Tiers Du Cylindre: Another neighbours bet in French Roulette, tiers du cylindre covers a third of the wheel. This bet requires you to cover 12 numbers with split bets. To make it, you split the following pairs: 5-8, 10-11, 13-16, 23-24, 27-30, and 33-36. The payout on this bet is 17:1, as any win will be a split bet.

Transversale: The French term for a street bet.

Trio Bet: Another term for a street bet in live and online roulette.

Voisins du Zero: A neighbours bet that’s popular in French Roulette. Voisins du zero translates as “neighbours of zero” and sees you cover the 17 numbers that flank zero on the wheel. You have to cover all 17 numbers with nine bets. You do that in the following way:

  • Two chips on the 0-2-3 trio
  • One chip on the 4-7 split
  • One chip on the 12-15 split
  • One chip on the 18-2 split
  • One chip on the 19-22 split
  • Two chips on the 25-26-28-29 corner
  • One chip on the 32-35 split

Zero: A number in the game of roulette. Zero is slightly different to other roulette numbers because it’s green. This means that it’s excluded from any outside bets. 

Roulette FAQ

How do live casino games work?

When you play live roulette or any other live casino game, you’re connected to a live game via a webcam. This allows you to see what’s going on at the table in real-time. In tandem with the live stream, RFID sensors on the table link to a computer program that allows you to place bets on the action via your desktop or mobile device.

What Are RFID Sensors?

These are small devices that record data in real-time. Each sensor records actions that take place on the table. These actions are then sent to a computer program so our system knows the result of each spin. This information is compared with the bets you made to determine whether you won the round or not.

Are Live Casino Games And Live Roulette Safe?

Yes. Live roulette and all live casino games are tightly controlled and regulated. In fact, every live roulette game you play online will be as fair as one in a brick-and-mortar casino. To ensure fairness and safety at all times, live roulette games have to be tested and monitored. These conditions form part of a company’s licensing duties. In other words, without proving a game is safe and fair, the company wouldn’t receive a gaming licence and, therefore, wouldn’t be able to offer products online.

Is There An RNG In Live Roulette Games?

No – with the only exception being Lightning Roulette. In this game, the location of the five numbers that are struck by lightning are controlled by a computer program called an RNG. This is very much similar to the process behind digital casino games such as online slots, blackjack and roulette, in the action is controlled by the game’s Random Number Generator. In this instance, the program does the job of a dealer and produces random results. In live roulette, however – bar Lightning Roulette, the dealer is solely responsible for controlling the wheel and, therefore, generating random results. 

How Can I See The Action?

All live roulette games online are broadcast to your screens via HD webcams. To ensure everyone has the best experience, you can adjust the quality of the stream to suit your connection. Additionally, many of the best live roulette games now feature multiple cameras so you can get different perspectives on the board and wheel.

What Types Of Live Roulette Are There?

As well as European, American and French roulette, live casino developers have created new variants in recent years. Games such as Lightning Roulette feature bonus options that allow you to potentially pick up enhanced payouts. As the popularity of live casino games grows, you’ll find more innovative offerings at LiveRoulette our Canadian online casino in the coming years.

To play live roulette and enjoy the action of a truly immersive online game experience, click the link below and join LiveRoulette today.

18+ | | Gambling can be addictive, please play responsibly. Terms & Conditions apply.

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Neil Diamond Tribute Concert 2023 Ute Mountain Casino Labor Day Weekend

We are thrilled to announce that the world-renowned Neil Diamond tribute artist, Jay White, is gracing the Ute Mountain Casino stage this Labor Day Weekend for TWO NIGHTS – September 1 & 2, 2023.

Jay White is not just an artist; he is a master of his craft – captivating audiences with his striking resemblance and uncanny vocal similarity to the legendary singer. His performances are nothing short of a spectacle, blending the charisma, raw talent, and energy that made Neil Diamond an icon.

Tickets are just $25 and go on sale on August 17th at Don’t miss out on this musical extravaganza!

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Tips Profesional: Cara Memenangkan Jackpot di Situs Slot Gacor Bet Kecil

Tips Profesional: Cara Memenangkan Jackpot di Situs Slot Gacor Bet Kecil

Permainan slot telah menjadi sangat populer di kalangan pecinta judi online. Salah satu jenis slot yang semakin diminati adalah slot bet 100. Melalui artikel ini, kami akan membahas cara bermain di situs slot bet 100 dan bagaimana Anda dapat meraih kemenangan ratusan juta dengan mudah. Artikel ini akan memberikan panduan lengkap untuk para pemain yang ingin mencoba keberuntungan mereka di dunia slot bet 100.

Langkah 1: Pilih Situs Slot Terpercaya

Langkah pertama dalam bermain di slot bet 100 adalah memilih situs slot terpercaya. Dalam memilih situs, pastikan bahwa situs tersebut memiliki lisensi resmi, reputasi yang baik, dan ulasan positif dari para pemain. Situs terpercaya akan menjamin keamanan data dan memberikan pengalaman bermain yang menyenangkan.

Langkah 2: Registrasi dan Deposit

Setelah memilih situs yang tepat, langkah selanjutnya adalah melakukan registrasi dan deposit. Ikuti panduan pendaftaran yang disediakan oleh situs dan pastikan Anda mengisi data yang akurat dan valid. Depositkan dana Anda sesuai dengan kebutuhan Anda. Setelah deposit berhasil, Anda siap memulai permainan.

Langkah 3: Pilih Slot Bet 100

Setelah memiliki akun dan dana yang mencukupi, langkah selanjutnya adalah memilih permainan slot bet 100. Cari permainan yang menawarkan taruhan mulai dari 100 perak hingga 100 rupiah. Pastikan juga untuk memilih permainan yang memiliki persentase pengembalian yang tinggi dan fitur bonus yang menguntungkan. Luangkan waktu untuk mencari tahu tentang fitur-fitur permainan dan peluang kemenangan yang ditawarkan oleh setiap mesin slot.

Langkah 4: Pelajari Aturan dan Strategi Permainan

Sebelum mulai bermain, ada baiknya untuk mempelajari aturan dan strategi permainan slot bet 100. Memahami bagaimana mesin slot bekerja, simbol-simbol yang harus Anda perhatikan, dan kombinasi kemenangan yang dapat Anda dapatkan akan membantu meningkatkan peluang Anda dalam meraih kemenangan. Anda juga dapat mencari tips dan trik dari pemain berpengalaman atau sumber-sumber online yang dapat memberikan wawasan berharga tentang strategi permainan.

Langkah 5: Kelola Keuangan Anda dengan Bijak

Bagian penting dari bermain slot bet 100 adalah mengelola keuangan Anda dengan bijak. Tetapkan batas harian atau mingguan untuk bermain dan hindari bertaruh dengan jumlah yang melebihi batas tersebut. Jangan pernah bermain dengan uang yang tidak dapat Anda rugikan. Selalu ingat bahwa permainan ini bergantung pada keberuntungan, dan itu adalah bentuk hiburan yang diharapkan memberikan kesenangan, bukan untuk membebani keuangan Anda.

Langkah 6: Manfaatkan Promosi dan Bonus

Banyak situs slot bet 100 menawarkan promosi dan bonus kepada para pemain mereka. Manfaatkan kesempatan ini untuk meningkatkan peluang Anda dalam meraih kemenangan. Baca syarat dan ketentuan promosi dengan teliti dan pastikan Anda memanfaatkannya dengan bijak. Beberapa promosi yang umum ditawarkan termasuk putaran gratis, bonus deposit, dan cashback.


Bermain di situs slot bet 100 dapat memberikan kesenangan yang mengasyikkan sambil memberikan kesempatan Anda untuk meraih kemenangan ratusan juta dengan mudah. Dalam artikel ini, kami telah memberikan panduan lengkap tentang cara bermain di situs slot bet 100 dan tips untuk meningkatkan peluang kemenangan Anda. Ingatlah untuk memilih situs slot terpercaya, mempelajari aturan permainan, mengelola keuangan dengan bijak, dan memanfaatkan promosi yang ditawarkan oleh situs tersebut. Semoga artikel ini bermanfaat bagi Anda dan semoga kesuksesan selalu menyertai perjalanan permainan slot Anda. Selamat bermain!

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Unveiling the Power of Table Image in Poker

There are numerous ways to enhance your table image, exploit opponents based on their appearance, and use your persona to boost your success. From identifying tells to managing tilt, we’ll reveal some of poker’s secrets for improving your image at the felt.

What is Table Image?

Table image can be defined as the projection you create at the poker table. On the surface, it sounds basic, but it carries nuanced details that provide valuable insights. By combining known facts with physical cues, we can gather extensive data about opponents, often unwittingly revealing their poker game.

A player’s table image not only reveals their actions but also reflects their overall style. For instance, a player with open body language, friendly chatter, and displays of physical strength projects a strong table image. In contrast, a reserved player in a tight, self-contained posture might seem ‘weak’ in terms of table image.

However, as we’ll explain, table image in poker is often a delicate balance. How a player presents themselves doesn’t always align with how opponents perceive them. When this happens, it presents an opportunity to make informed decisions based on unnoticed information.

Constructing Your Table Image

Before delving into the elements of table image, consider why you want to appear a certain way. Are you an exploitative player who profits from passive plays? Or a patient assassin waiting for overactive opponents to make mistakes? Align your table image with your strategic advantage.

Let’s categorize poker players into four main types:

  • Tight-Aggressive
  • Tight-Passive
  • Loose-Passive
  • Loose-Aggressive

Adjust your playing style differently against each group. For instance, appear tight to an aggressive player to exploit their aggression, or look more aggressive against a tight player to dominate their range once the cards are revealed.

When considering your table image, focus on four main ‘pantomimes’ that you’re likely to reveal: speech, physicality, tells, and style.

Tailor your speech to your table and opponents. Presenting yourself as the strong, silent type can be advantageous, but it can also limit information exchange. Understand that your speech should align with your image strategy.

Physicality plays a significant role in poker. Body language often reveals more than words. Master your body language to project the desired image, whether strength or weakness.

Physical tells, especially facial cues, are important. Look for subtle facial tells over time to construct a comprehensive portrait of an opponent’s giveaways.

Lastly, ensure your playing style aligns with your capabilities. If you aim to look weak to exploit aggressive players, be ready to make aggressive moves when necessary.

How to Read Your Opponents’ Table Image

Now that you’ve constructed your table image, deciphering your opponents’ attempts becomes crucial. Identifying the four main poker archetypes we described earlier is your first playbook in understanding their vulnerabilities.

While physical tells are important, don’t overlook other key indicators like stack sizes and bet sizing. Spend time observing opponents to gain insights into their behavior and playing style.

Leverage your insights to counter their strategies and adjust your own image accordingly. When someone plays weak, adapt your approach to take advantage of their perceived weakness.

The Psychological Aspects of Table Image

Table image has a significant psychological impact on players. Exposing an opponent’s table image can prompt them to seek rapid change. Being one step ahead by reading signs can provide a strategic advantage.

A player’s table image can affect their emotions, potentially leading to a confidence boost or tilt. A strong table image can intimidate less-experienced opponents.

Managing a negative or deceptive image requires composure and practice. Control your emotions and maintain the image you’ve crafted.

The Best Players and Their Table Images

Some of the best players in poker excel at constructing table images:

  • Phil Ivey is known for his enigmatic table image, impossible to read emotionally.
  • Daniel Negreanu is a chameleon, expertly mirroring opponents’ styles.
  • Annie Duke engages in psychological warfare through her table image.

Online vs. Live Poker

Maintaining a strong table image is essential in both live and online poker, but the dynamics differ significantly. Here’s how to navigate the nuances of table image in both environments:

The Avatar Advantage (Online):

  • In online poker, your avatar serves as your visual representation at the table. Choose an avatar that complements your desired table image. For example, a stern, stoic avatar may convey a tight and serious image, while a more casual or animated one could suggest a looser, recreational style.
  • Experiment with different avatars to see which one elicits the desired reactions from opponents. A well-chosen avatar can be a powerful tool to influence how others perceive your playing style.

Leveraging the Chat Box (Online):

  • The chat box in online poker is your primary means of communication with opponents. Use it strategically to reinforce your table image. If you’re portraying a tight and cautious image, keep your messages brief and to the point. This reinforces the perception of you as a focused, disciplined player. Conversely, if you’re trying to appear more social or unpredictable, engage in light conversation in the chat box. Share occasional friendly banter or comment on the game. This can make you seem approachable and less predictable.

Adapting to the Lack of Physical Tells (Online):

  • One significant difference between online and live poker is the absence of physical tells. In online poker, players can’t see your body language or facial expressions, making it crucial to rely on other elements of your table image, such as your avatar and chat behavior.
  • To compensate for the lack of physical tells, pay close attention to your betting patterns, bet sizing, and timing in online play. Consistency in these areas can help reinforce your chosen table image and mislead opponents.

Common Mistakes to Avoid

  • Rigid Adherence to Your Image: One of the most common mistakes poker players make is sticking too firmly to their created table image. While consistency is important, being overly predictable can lead to exploitation by astute opponents. Remember, the best players adapt to changing dynamics and opponents, so remain flexible in your approach.
  • Ignoring Table Dynamics: Failing to consider the overall dynamics at the table is another mistake. Your table image doesn’t exist in a vacuum. It’s influenced by the actions and styles of other players. If the table becomes overly aggressive, for example, insisting on maintaining a tight, passive image may hinder your ability to capitalize on opportunities. Be aware of the context and adapt your strategy accordingly.
  • Misreading Opponents’ Images: Assuming that your opponents’ table images are fixed and unchanging can be a costly error. Opponents may intentionally shift their images to deceive you. Avoid pegging players into a single category and be prepared to reassess their image as the game progresses. Misjudging their table image can lead to making suboptimal decisions based on faulty assumptions. Stay vigilant and adjust your strategy as you gather more information about your opponents’ evolving images.


In conclusion, mastering your table image in poker is a game-changer. Constantly adjust it, react to how others perceive you, and experiment with different styles. Table image can enhance your results, increase profits, and make the game more enjoyable. It’s a gift that keeps on giving.

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Memenangkan Jackpot di Slot777: Peluang Sukses Bermain Judi Slot Terbaik

Memenangkan Jackpot di Slot777: Peluang Sukses Bermain Judi Slot Terbaik

Slot777 merupakan salah satu situs judi slot online yang menyediakan berbagai permainan slot yang unik dan terbaik. Dengan berbagai macam pilihan permainan yang disajikan, pemain dapat menikmati pengalaman bermain yang seru dan menguntungkan. Situs ini juga menyediakan layanan taruhan online terbaik, sehingga pemain dapat dengan mudah mendaftar dan mulai bermain.


Slot777 merupakan salah satu situs judi slot online yang populer di kalangan pecinta judi online. Dengan menyajikan permainan slot yang unik dan menarik, situs ini berhasil menjadi pilihan utama bagi para pemain. Dalam artikel ini, kita akan membahas lebih lanjut mengenai Slot777, termasuk permainan yang ditawarkan, kelebihan situs ini, dan cara mendaftar dan mulai bermain.

I. Permainan yang Ditawarkan di Slot777

Slot777 menawarkan berbagai macam permainan yang menarik dan menghibur. Pemain dapat memilih dari berbagai tema dan gaya permainan yang berbeda. Beberapa permainan yang ditawarkan di Slot777 antara lain:

1. Slot Klasik: Slot klasik adalah permainan yang menggunakan mesin slot tradisional dengan 3 atau 5 gulungan. Meskipun sederhana, permainan ini tetap menarik dan memiliki potensi besar untuk memberikan kemenangan.

2. Slot Video: Slot video merupakan permainan slot yang menggunakan teknologi modern. Dengan tampilan grafis yang menarik dan fitur bonus yang menggiurkan, pemain dapat menikmati pengalaman bermain yang lebih seru dan menguntungkan.

3. Jackpot Progresif: Slot777 juga menyediakan permainan jackpot progresif, di mana pemain memiliki kesempatan untuk memenangkan hadiah besar. Jackpot progresif merupakan jackpot yang terus bertambah nilainya seiring dengan jumlah pemain yang berpartisipasi dalam permainan.

II. Kelebihan Situs Slot777

Selain menyediakan berbagai permainan slot yang menarik, Slot777 juga memiliki berbagai kelebihan yang membuatnya menjadi pilihan utama bagi para pemain. Beberapa kelebihan situs ini antara lain:

1. Keamanan dan Privasi: Slot777 mengutamakan keamanan dan privasi para pemain. Situs ini menggunakan teknologi enkripsi yang canggih untuk melindungi data pribadi dan transaksi pemain.

2. Pelayanan 24/7: Slot777 menyediakan layanan pelanggan yang siap membantu pemain selama 24 jam sehari, 7 hari dalam seminggu. Pemain dapat menghubungi tim dukungan melalui live chat, telepon, atau email untuk mendapatkan bantuan jika diperlukan.

3. Bonus dan Promosi: Slot777 menawarkan berbagai bonus dan promosi menarik untuk pemainnya. Pemain dapat menikmati bonus deposit, bonus referral, dan banyak lagi. Promosi yang ditawarkan juga sering diperbarui, sehingga pemain selalu memiliki kesempatan untuk mendapatkan keuntungan tambahan.

III. Cara Mendaftar dan Mulai Bermain di Slot777

Untuk dapat mulai bermain di Slot777, pemain perlu melakukan proses pendaftaraan terlebih dahulu. Berikut adalah langkah-langkah untuk mendaftar di Slot777:

1. Buka situs resmi Slot777 dan klik tombol “Daftar” yang ada di halaman utama.

2. Isi formulir pendaftaran dengan informasi yang diminta, seperti nama lengkap, alamat email, dan nomor telepon.

3. Setelah mengisi formulir pendaftaran, pemain perlu melakukan verifikasi akun. Verifikasi dapat dilakukan dengan mengikuti petunjuk yang diberikan oleh situs.

4. Setelah akun terverifikasi, pemain dapat melakukan deposit untuk mengisi saldo akun dan mulai bermain.


Slot777 merupakan situs judi slot online terbaik yang menyajikan berbagai permainan unik dan menguntungkan. Dengan keamanan dan privasi yang terjamin, serta layanan pelanggan yang responsif, pemain dapat memilih Slot777 sebagai tempat untuk bermain judi online. Selain itu, bonus dan promosi yang ditawarkan juga memberikan keuntungan tambahan bagi pemain. Jadi, jangan ragu untuk mendaftar dan mulai bermain di Slot777 sekarang juga!

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Features like chat functionalities, leaderboards, and options to share on social platforms allow players to share their milestones and moments. The dynamic nature of online slots indicates the vast potential that digital realms hold. As technology evolves, online slots promise a perpetually engaging and rewarding escapade for gaming aficionados globally. Each spin not only hints at a potential jackpot but also provides a glimpse into the ever-evolving future of gaming.

In the expansive realm of digital gambling, slot games have risen as an undisputed favorite. Their appeal lies not just in the diverse themes and gameplay, but also in the seamless experience that online platforms provide. Amidst the numerous offerings, slots online have cemented their position as a central pillar of the virtual casino experience. The aim of this article is to dive deep into the captivating world of online slots and chart their transformative impact on the landscape of gambling.

The Digital Evolution of Slot Machines

Moving from the mechanical confines of traditional casinos to the limitless digital space, slot games have experienced a metamorphosis. While the transition from physical to online may seem superficial, it has completely changed the player-game dynamics.

  • Ease of Access: The digital landscape allows players to indulge in their preferred slot games without the need to visit a physical casino.
  • Variety in Gameplay: With an array of themes that span across myriad universes, online slots cater to a diverse audience with varied tastes.
  • Progressive Jackpots: Interconnected games on online platforms allow players to contribute to a substantial progressive jackpot, elevating both the stakes and excitement.
  • Bonus Attractions: Online slots regularly entice players with bonuses, promotional offers, and free spins, extending gameplay and bolstering winning prospects.

Furthermore, advancements in graphics, soundtracks, and gameplay mechanics present a gaming environment that traditional slots could scarcely offer.

Technological Breakthroughs Enhancing the Slot Experience

It’s no longer just about clicking and playing; online slot gaming has been transformed by groundbreaking technology.

The Realm of Virtual and Augmented Reality

Both Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR) are pioneering an immersive gaming dimension in the slot world. Players can now relish a comprehensive casino ambiance, interacting seamlessly with both the game and fellow players.

Incorporating Blockchain

Blockchain technology is elevating the trust factor in online slot games. With this, online casinos can showcase provably fair games, assuring players of genuinely random and unbiased results with every spin.

The Influence of AI and Machine Learning

AI and Machine Learning contribute to a more tailored gaming journey. By evaluating player behaviors, these technologies offer bespoke game experiences, deals, and game suggestions, thereby making slot gaming more captivating.

Online Slots in the Future: Beyond Mere Gaming

Online slots are transcending gaming to build communities and shared moments. Features like multiplayer slots, live events, and interactive bonuses are paving the way for a more community-centric gambling experience.

  • Engaging Slot Tournaments: These enable players to challenge each other, introducing a competitive flair to the traditional solo play.
  • Collaborative Bonus Rounds: Here, players can either collaborate or compete, infusing unpredictability and engagement into bonus sessions.
  • Community Tools: Features like chat functionalities, leaderboards, and options to share on social platforms allow players to share their milestones and moments.

The dynamic nature of online slots indicates the vast potential that digital realms hold. As technology evolves, online slots promise a perpetually engaging and rewarding escapade for gaming aficionados globally. Each spin not only hints at a potential jackpot but also provides a glimpse into the ever-evolving future of gaming.


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How to play Faro & Game Rules with Video –

(This is the typical set up for the game Faro)

(This is the typical set up for the game Faro)

Card Game Rules

Faro is a historical casino game for two or more players. It requires a standard 52 card deck, an extra set of 13 cards for each rank, a set of betting chips for each player, and a penny for each player. In Faro, Aces are low and Kings are high. The objective is to win the most bets. 

If you are looking for cards to play Faro with, check out a standard deck here or check out one of our recent arrivals here.

For more casino games, check out our guides for In-Between and Baccarat.

You can also find an 1882 rule book to Faro here.


To set-up a game a Faro, place the extra 13 cards in two rows face up in the middle of the playing table. These cards make up the tableau. From the top left going right, the card order should be King, Queen, Jack, 10, 9, and 8. The 7 should be placed to the right of and halfway down from the 8. The 6 should then be placed to the left of the 7 and directly below the 8. From the 6 going left, the card order should be 5, 4, 3, 2, and Ace.

The dealer sits opposite of the players with a faced down deck of shuffled cards in-front of them. Players bring their own chips to bet with. Every player receives a penny to bet against cards with.


How to Play

The dealer begins the game by showing everyone the top card of the deck. The card is then placed face up to the side of the gameplay area. Players then place bets on one of the cards in the tableau. Next the dealer draws two card from the deck and places them face up for all the players to see. The first card is the loser. The second card is the winner. Bets on the first card are lost. Bets on the second card receive 1:1 payout from the dealer.

The flipped over cards are placed to the side and another round begins. Players can move their bets around, keep them where they were or begin placing bets on multiple cards. Multiple players can bet on the same card. Gameplay continues until the deck runs out.


Misc. Rules

A player can bet that the winning card is higher than the losing card by placing chips next to the deck. Payout is 1:1.

A player can bet on the losing card by placing a penny on top of their chip. 

When the deck has three cards left, players can bet on the order of the final draw.

If the losing and winning cards are of the same rank, then the dealer receives half of the bet made.

If a player places a bet on a card that has already been drawn four times from the deck, the first person (player or dealer) who notices can say “dead bet” and receive the chips.


(A game of Faro in 1895)

(A game of Faro in 1895)

Faro was first played in 18th century France. It was named after the picture of an Egyptian pharaoh that appeared on many French playing cards. The game spread eastward towards Russia and eventually reached the American West in the 1800’s. By 1925, the game became virtually extinct as Baccarat and Blackjack took over as the more popular games at casinos.

For more information about Faro, check out David Parlett’s article here or’s article here.


Looking for more card games to play?  Check out this article:

40+ Great Card Games For All Occasions

About the author: John Taylor is a content writer and freelancer through the company You may view his freelancing profile here. He has a B. A. in English, with a specialty in technical writing, from Texas A&M University and a M. A. in English from the University of Glasgow. You may view his previous articles about card games here and his LinkedIn profile here.

John Taylor Head shot

Last update date: 0/25/21

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Digital Opportunity Trust and the Mastercard Foundation are partnering for Going Beyond

OTTAWA, Canada, July 12, 2023 — Digital Opportunity Trust and the Mastercard Foundation are partnering to support over 300,000 young women and men to gain relevant entrepreneurial skills and foster a network ecosystem of support for young leaders.

The “Going Beyond – Partnering for a Youth-Led Future” project aims to scale DOT’s evidence-based, peer-to-peer model and will be executed in four African countries – Côte d’Ivoire, Malawi, Zambia, and Tanzania. The linkage to DOT’s model ensures comprehensive digital and business skills training, leadership development, coaching, peer-to-peer learning, and networking.

The Going Beyond project will foster a network ecosystem of support for young leaders with the aim of improving their quality of life and building their resilience, agency, and amplifying their voice. Notably, the project will also introduce a leaner, more scalable model for long-term, transformational change by fostering a community of practice among a continuously expanding ecosystem of partners.

Over five years, and with the support of DOT regional hubs in Africa, the Going Beyond project will progressively transfer the responsibility for delivering DOT’s programs and equip youth as leaders of the future through a three-pronged approach:

  • Strengthening the capacity of 40 local youth-led and youth-led organizations (YLOs) to deliver high-quality digital livelihoods programming.
  • Training and supporting 4,000 young people (Youth Leaders) under the guidance of YLOs as digital business coaches and facilitators to deliver locally appropriate and culturally relevant digital inclusion and enterprise growth programs to their peers.
  • Training 300,000 disadvantaged young people with nascent Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) in digital and entrepreneurship skills, 70 percent of whom are young women.

Most importantly, the project places young people at the center of the solution, tapping into their creativity, energy, and passion for making a difference; going beyond conventional development practices and extending impact to new countries for both organizations, without the need to establish and operate new offices.

“The Going Beyond program, which will harness the power of young people to lead community-driven solutions and create and obtain dignified and fulfilling work in four countries – Côte d’Ivoire, Malawi, Tanzania and Zambia – is an opportunity to tell a compelling story of youth leadership and capacity to transform Africa – and to catalyze the adoption of youth-led approaches across the continent,” says Janet Longmore, Founder and CEO, Digital Opportunity Trust

Violette Uwamutara, Regional Vice President of Africa, Digital Opportunity Trust agrees, “DOT is excited to serve as regional hubs for this project and build a network of connected individuals, organizations and MSMEs that share knowledge, support each other and shift the mindsets of their peers, communities and systems – trusting youth as the leaders of community transformation and our future.”

The ‘Going Beyond’ project aligns with the Mastercard Foundation’s Young Africa Works strategy, which aims to enable 30 million young people in Africa to access dignified and fulfilling work by 2030, particularly young women. It extends the impact beyond youth in work to advance youth leadership, digital skills, gender equality, and women’s empowerment.

Africa’s youth population represents a significant pool of human capital that can drive economic growth and social progress. Young people have the potential to be at the forefront of innovation and entrepreneurship in high-growth sectors such as technology, climate-smart agriculture, and renewable energy. Women and girls, in particular, can play a crucial role as powerful agents of change in their communities, contributing to economic growth and social progress.

Despite being a youthful continent, Africa faces significant challenges in harnessing the potential of its youth population. The continent has the highest youth unemployment rate globally – 20.8 percent in 2020 – more than 2.5 times higher than the adult unemployment rate. This situation is particularly dire for young women.

“Going Beyond is designed to envision young people as leaders in their communities, and we believe that a combination of YLO capacity building, locally appropriate 21st-century skills, entrepreneurship, and MSME support will be an effective means of bringing this vision to life while addressing youth employment in the four countries this project will be executed in. In addition, Going Beyond’s work, which is also in line with the Young Africa Works strategy, will help young women and men find dignified and meaningful work,” adds Reeta Roy, President and CEO, Mastercard Foundation.

When applied in this way, the youth-led model equips young people with market-relevant technical skills and the confidence to secure, sustain and thrive in the 21st-century working world, in turn creating a ripple effect of change in communities across the African continent, with young entrepreneurs becoming catalysts for broader behavioral change and inspiring others to follow in their footsteps.

About Digital Opportunity Trust

DOT is a Canadian-based not-for-profit organization headquartered in Ottawa, Canada, with a ‘footprint’ across 12 countries. DOT has locally managed offices in Africa, the Middle East; Tanzania, Ethiopia, Rwanda, Kenya, Lebanon and Jordan; Canada and the UK. DOT’s presence extends to Ghana, Uganda, Malawi and Zambia through local partnerships with youth-led organizations. As a youth-led movement of daring social innovators who have the tools, knowledge, and networks to create opportunities and transform their communities in Africa and the Middle East, DOT has created an impact in over 25 countries as development innovators and catalysts placing youth at the center of its activity to unlock their potential, bridge the digital divide across communities, and inspire young people to realize their potential in an inclusive digital economy.

About The Mastercard Foundation

The Mastercard Foundation is a Canadian Foundation and one of the world’s largest foundations, with a mission to advance education and financial inclusion. It works with visionary organizations to enable young people in Africa and in Indigenous communities in Canada to access dignified and fulfilling work. The Foundation was established in 2006 through the generosity of Mastercard when it became a public company. The Foundation is an independent organization and separate from the company. Its policies, operations, and programs are determined by the Foundation’s Board of Directors and leadership. For more information on the Foundation, please visit


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Most 180s in a Match ✔️ Highest Darts Scores & Best Players

Below you can find the main sections of this blog post. We not only explained why 180 is the most important score in darts but also listed professional players’ achievements, like who scored the most 180s in a match ever, who made the highest points score, and more.

By the end of the blog post, you will know the best professional darts players and what makes them fans favourite. We also added several darts records listed in the Guinness Book of World Records and answered several interesting questions regarding the game.

What Is 180 in Darts?

Every darts player dreams of getting the most 180s in a match, in a tournament, and even to break a world record. The coveted 180 score is the maximum possible with 3 darts. It provides players with quickest route to victory. Here are the different versions of the highest possible scores:

Scores Combinations to Get the Highest Darts Scores
Top 180 3x Triple 20
Score 171 3x Tripple 19
Score 167 3x Triple 20 (60), 3x Triple 19 (57), and Bullseye (50)
Score 150 3x Bullseye
Score 141 Triple 20 (60) + Triple 19 (57) + Double 12 (24)
Triple 20 (60) + Triple 15 (45) + Double 18 (36)
Triple 17 (51) + Triple 18 (54) + Double 18 (36)

All those combinations of the highest possible scores can be seen in real games. Fans of this sport even bet on it at the best darts betting sites for 2023. If you are lucky, you will see with your eyes how a player scores the most 180s in a match ever with no more than nine throws.

180 Score Records in Darts History (So Far)

Three Darts 180 Score

The current technologies and the TV broadcasted darts tournaments allow many game fans to witness how players make history and break records. Seeing a player scores the most 180 in a darts match ever is a chance of a lifetime, but here are a few other 180 scores to be admired:

  • Most 180s in a Match: between December 2022 – January 2023 PDC World Darts Championship’s highest number of 180s scored by Michael Smith and Michael Van Gerwen is 901. This achievement is so great that it is also the most 180s in a match ever in the history of darts. It also breaks the record for the most 180s in a world championship match.
  • Most 180 in a Darts Match Ever: in the 2016 PDC World Championship, Adrian Lewis and Gary Anderson scored 34 x 180s.
  • Most 180s in a Match by One Player: in 2022, Michael Smith scored 180s a full 83 times in a single tournament.
  • Most Combined 180s in a Match: in the 2017 PDC World Championship finals, the finalists scored a total of 42 180s – Gary Anderson had 22, and Michael van Gerwen had 20.
  • Most 180s Scored in a Professional Darts Corporation Final: 22 times by Gary Anderson vs Michael van Gerwen in 2017.
  • What’s the Most 180s in a Darts Match: 24 in 2022 during the Peter Wright vs Michael Smith match.
  • Most 180s in a 7-Set Match: 31 180s total in the PDC World Darts Championship (December 2022) scored by Ross (19) and Dirk van Duijenbode (12 and a last-leg decider)
  • Most 180s Scored by a Player in a PDC World Championship: 64 by Gary Anderson between December 2014 to 4th January 2015.
  • Most 180s in a Premier League Darts Match: three matches with the same score of 11 – Gary Anderson vs Simon Whitlock (April 2011), José de Sousa vs Nathan Aspinall (April 2021), and Joe Cullen vs Jonny Clayton (June 2022).

The dozens of sports channels allow us all to see who scores most 180s in a world championship match this year or in the previous competitions. If you like wagering, you can even place a bet on a match winner, score or even tournament champion at the best UK sports betting sites.

Records Broken by Registered & Pro Darts Players

Different Darts in Dartboard

It is challenging to rank all achievements without mentioning the same name multiple times because, in most cases, the categories overlap. For example, scoring the most 180 in a darts match ever was a personal achievement for the players.

Highest Scores and Greatest Achievements

The registered darts players break many individual records, like the record for most 180s in a match. Besides the winning factor, many personal achievements enhance a player’s fame. In the name of fair play, we listed the players in alphabetical order:

  • Corrie Hammond: most darts to win a leg – 43 darts at BDO women WPDC
  • Fallon Sherrock: first woman scoring a nine-dart leg (PDC event)
  • James Wade: most bullseyes hit in 1 min – 15 bullseye (23rd September 2016)
  • John Lowe: scored the ‘perfect’ leg – 6 x Treble 20, Treble 17, Treble 18, and Double 18 in October 1984
  • Matthew Prouse: bullseye hit from furthest distance – 6 meters (30th April 2017)
  • Michael van Gerwen: longest streak of 100+ averages – a total of 19 matches between 2016–2019.
  • Paul Lim: first PDC World Championship nine-dart finish in a match vs Jack McKenna on 9th January 1990.
  • Phil ‘the Power’ Taylor: most darts World Championship wins – 16 titles – 2 with the WDO and 14 with the PDC.

As you can see, the competitions offer more excitement than just observing how the score shows who gets the most 180s in a world championship match or the most 180s in a match by one player. Great attention is placed on players’ age and personality because sometimes they are essential to victory.

Darts Players’ Age & Longevity Achievements

Black Board Hundred Percent

So far, there are 660+ WDF and 680+ PDPA registered players who appear at domestic and international championships covered by the top online casino and sports betting sites. They all draw attention with skills, personal life, and character.

  • Beau Greave: was 18 years and 91 days old when he won WDF World Championship in 2022
  • Billy O’Brien: international darts player with the longest career, spanning 34 years (September 1968 to June 2002)
  • Deta Hedman: at 61 years and 35 days (in 2020) is the first black woman and the oldest woman to debut at the PDC World Darts Championship. At that time, she already had 215 titles to her name
  • George Harness: at 98 years and 346 days (in 2016) is the oldest competitive darts player
  • Jelle Klassen: at 21 years and 121 days (2006) becoming the youngest BDO Darts World Champion
  • Michael van Gerwen: became the youngest winner of the PDC World Championship in 2014 at the age of 24 and 255 days.
  • Nick Stoekenbroek: a 12-year-old boy was the youngest player in a 2002 Dutch darts tournament
  • Paul Lim: at the age of 67 in 2022, he was also the oldest player in BDO and PDC World Championship.

It is clear that all those darts players have left their mark, and many of them still write history. Remember, this is a short list, so don’t worry if you can’t see your favourite player’s name.

Darts in the Guinness Book of World Records

Possible Impossible Street Signs

Since darts also falls into the ‘bar game’ and ‘friendly games’ categories, it is often played over a pint of beer. You may even see a listing of local players’ most 180s in a match’ listing hanging on the wall of the local pub or hear stories about funny bets.

The social side and availability of the game are reasons why there are darts entries in the Guinness Book of World Records organised by the Guinness Beer. We picked a few of the most interesting darts records you can try to beat:

  • Highest Darts Score in 24 Hours by a Pair: Oliver Ladbrooke-Davies and Daniel Thomas reached 417,765 on 21-22 January 2022, which became the first successful attempt of this record.
  • Highest Darts Score in 24 Hours by One Player: Kenny Fellowes scored 567,145 on 28-29 September 1996.
  • Highest Darts Score in 1 Minute by One Player: Michael Van Gerwen scored 644 on 18 November 2020.
  • Furthest Distance to Throw a Bullseye in Darts: Paul Webber scored 7.0104 m (23 ft.) away from the dartboard on 17th July 2021.
  • Longest Marathon Darts Playing Singles: Kevin Bryan and James Hoult played for 58 hr 48 min 18 sec from 3 to 5th July 2019
  • Longest Marathon Darts Playing Doubles: Kevin Bryan, James Hoult, Dave Sloan, and Bradley Cave played for 60 hours from 15 to 17th June 2022.

Many people, not only professional darts players, put daily efforts into breaking darts-related records. Anyone can participate in the Guinness World Records competitions and be the next to score the most 180s in a match ever. We might see your name if you are good at hitting the target.

Everyone else can keep playing darts in bars with friends. The game allows wagering and playing for fun, but be careful because the competitive spirit may push you to the extreme. Avoid worst lost bets and throw the darts for fun and pride.


If you ever wished to learn who scored the 180s in a match, this is the right spot. We picked some of the popular questions about 180 scores in darts and answered them. If the brief information is insufficient, follow the links to the relevant parts of the blog post.

*️⃣ What is 180 in a darts match?

Darts players and fans of the game already know this answer, but everyone else wondering what is 180 in a darts match should know that this is the highest possible score with three darts. Knowing that curiosity may push you to learn who got the most 180s in a match, when it happened, if this is a record, and more.

*️⃣ What is the most 180s in a darts match?

The historical moment written in the records with 180s in a darts match occurred during a match between Michael Smith and Michael Van Gerwen, where they scored 180s a total of 901 times. The most 180 in a match ever was held between December 2022 – January 2023 during the PDC World Darts Championship.

*️⃣ Who had scored the most 180 in a darts match?

Getting the most 180 in a darts match ever means that this high peak will enter darts player’s achievements and scores. An excellent example of a professional darts player scoring the most 180s in a match happened in 2022. Back then, Michael Smith’s darts hit 180 83 times during the tournament.

*️⃣ Is a 180 score in darts worthy of the Guinness World Records?

Since this game is popular entertainment in pubs, people try to leave their marks in history. There are many darts records in the Guinness Book of World Records, like Michael Van Gerwen’s highest score of 644 made in one minute. The most 180s in a world championship match also often enter the book.

*️⃣ What is the most amount of 180s in a darts match?

Explore the highest darts scores and most 180s in the history of the game, and you will discover Gary Anderson’s achievement of scoring 64 times 180s in a PDC World Championship. This is the record for the most 180s in a match by one player and was achieved between December 2014 to 4th January 2015.

*️⃣ Which are the best darts players who scored 180?

Just like in every other sport, the darts players’ age and personality also affects viewers. Many excellent players have scored 180 multiple times during their careers. Names like Phil Taylor, Corrie Hammond, Gary Anderson, Michael Van Gerwen, are the first to come to mind.

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Rhodium: Earth’s Rarest and Most Expensive Precious Metal

Rhodium is an ultra-shiny, corrosion resistant metal that had become useful in many industries including the automobile, jewelry, chemical and electrical trades. According to Shaun Peterson, Gemological Institute of America (GIA) supervisor of jewelry manufacturing arts research and development, it’s rhodium’s scarcity and use that makes it so valuable.

“Its rarity and the large global demand due to the use in car manufacturing makes the rhodium price go up considerably,” says Peterson. New regulations for cleaner emissions in the automobile industry, particularly in China and Europe, are most likely to blame for the increase in rhodium prices.

Today, the price of rhodium is $14,000 per ounce. Compare that to platinum at $959/ounce, palladium at $1,866/ounce or gold at $1,783/ounce.

Rhodium is never found in its purest form. Rather, it’s almost always collected as a minuscule byproduct of platinum, copper and nickel refining.

If you want to go looking for rhodium, you better catch a plane to South Africa, the largest producer of rhodium by way of the country’s massive platinum mining operations. You can also find it in river sands of North and South America, or in the copper-nickel sulfide ores in Ontario, Canada.

A Rose (Metal) by Any Other Name

Wollaston called one of the new metals rhodium — rooted in the Greek word for rose, “rhodon” — because of the reddish salts that had dissolved in the aqua regia. (Aqua regia is a yellow-orange, fuming liquid, so-named by alchemists because it can dissolve the noble metals gold and platinum.)

“Rhodium is a part of the platinum metals group, which is considered one of the noble metals,” says Peterson.

Other Platinum Metals

There are six platinum group metals (PGMs):

  • rhodium
  • platinum
  • palladium (discovered by Wollaston just a year before his discovery of rhodium)
  • ruthenium
  • iridium
  • osmium.

They have similar characteristics and are most often found together in nature. Like gold and silver, they are also precious metals. “Some of the key traits that precious metals share are allure, workability, durability and rarity,” notes Peterson.

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